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Jennifer Ouellette - May 3, 2022 10:47 pm UTC
Archaeologists have analyzed the residue inside four medieval ceramic shards and determined that one of them may have been used as a hand grenade, according to a recent paper publi
What’s next for workers, city after century-old foundry announces move to Texas? Ayla Burnett on March 19, 2022 AB&I Foundry, one of the largest industrial sources of air pollution in Oakland, announced plans last week to cease operations at its c
Seen from the air on Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022, McWane Ductile-New Jersey at 183 Sitgreaves St. in Phillipsburg is looking for New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection approval to renew and modify its air permit, to allow increased emissions of certain hazardous pollutants. A public he
Posted by The Brake Report | May 19, 2022
Araxá, Brazil — CBMM, the world’s leading supplier of Niobium products and technologies, headquartered in Brazil, published the following explanation of Niobium’s abilities to both improve brake disc longevity and control producti
Florida is replete with houses that contain cast iron pipes. After several years, those pipes deteriorate to the point that water leaks out, causing a loss. The Fifth District Court of Appeal recently addressed this same fact pattern when considering the limits of what an insurer is required t
All day this Election Day, the Capital-Star will bring you the very latest on the 2022 primary election. Keep checking back here today for continuous updates from our staff, social media posts from the campaigns, material submitted by readers, and other stuff that catches our eye.
Based in Chesterfield, MO, Sludgebusters is a full-service drain cleaning company offering solutions to clogged drains, drainage maintenance, pipe resurfacing, camera inspections, and more.
Chesterfield, MO (PRUnderground) March 25th, 2022
Sludgebusters provides drain c
The “Three Waters” programme being introduced by the Government has become a major cause of contention with Councils, with one talley showing 61 of New Zealand’s 67 councils not in favour of it in its current form, and with 24 Councils forming an action group “to bring fresh ideas to t
Justin Wagner, utilities manager for the city of Northfield, said residents and property owners should weigh in regarding their preference on the location for the new drinking water treatment plant. (Pamela Thompson/
You don’t have to be a hydro scientist to help the c
Rhode Island's natural gas distribution system has a troubling percentage of bare steel and iron pipes — outdated materials prone to corrosion and cracking that need to be replaced for the public's safety.
Aging pipes are a nationwide concern. They cause leaks that can endanger homes