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"At this time of year, you want your house to smell like cooking—at least I do," Mary Berg said. She looks forward to winter more than any other season: As the Christmas holiday approaches, the circle gets smaller and smaller-but also clos
Photograph by Ernst Haas/Ernst Haas/Getty Images
The introduction of bronzes led to the development of a series of new and intimidating weapons.
European archaeologists have discovered the Bronze Age arsenal more than 4,000 years ago. Some larger and more refined weapons—such as th
Thank you for your interest in S&P Global Market Intelligence! We noticed that you have indicated that you are a student. Through existing partnerships with academic institutions around the world, you may already have access to our resources. Please contact your professor, li
Troy-The city has spent nearly $40 million to build dual 36-inch water pipes for its Tomhannock Reservoir in Pittstown to replace water pipes that have been buried in the ground for more than a century-which makes officials worry that they will suddenly lose power to them Age.
The $39.4 mil
Three poisonous water pipes are missing. There is still $399,997.
For many years, Chicago has denied the widespread problem that lead in tap water is harmful to the brain. City officials are launching a long-delayed campaign to eliminate the problem of nearly every home and two apartments
More than $137 million in water quality and reliability system upgrades drive demand
Alexandria, Virginia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Virginia American Water today submitted a general rate application to the National Corporations Commission (SCC) requesting an overall rate increase of 14.3 million
Portland is proud of its savvy manufacturers and lingering industrial fashion. In northwest Portland, there is ESCO, where they make the teeth of giant steel buckets used in open-pit mining. A few blocks away, there is Finex Cast Iron Cookware, whose hexagonal pan is priced at $250 at Williams-So
On Tuesday, what Stanley's commissioners and others talked about in a private meeting on codes and economic development discussions became reality.
Charlotte Pipe and Foundry issued a press release this week stating that the company intends to relocate its main foundry in Uptown Charlotte t
Focus: Jackson Water • Medicaid • Statues • Immigration • COVID-19 • Higher Education • Race and Racism • Food Safety • Voting • LGBTQ • Police Affairs • Prisons • UM Emails • COVID-19 Timetables • UM Email Hours surface
It was Wednesday, February 17, 2021, and t
The global "Nodular Cast Iron Pipe Market" report contains the company's structure and broad market, as well as SWOT analysis of major manufacturers. The market economy is further divided by business, country, and application/type for competitive evaluation. The report divides the market into dif