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Technavio released its latest India research report, titled "India OEM Market 2020-2024" (Graphic: Business Wire)
Technavio released its latest India research report, titled "India OEM Market 2020-2024" (Graphic: Business Wire)
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--India's foundry market is expect
SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif.-Earlier Monday, two water mains ruptured in the downtown area and the area near Balboa Park, causing at least one person to be injured and forcing two roads to close, after which staff continued to make progress on Tuesday. Caltrans reported an update of road closures dur
September 8, 2021 05:00 ET | Source: Graphic Research Graphic Research
Pune, India, September 8, 2021 (Global News Agency) -
Due to the increase in automobile production in emerging and developed economies, the scale of the global steel casting
Ending all speculations on the amount of steel export tax rebates, the Ministry of Finance of China and the State Administration of Taxation (Customs Commission) announced that they will completely abolish export tax rebates (13% value-added tax) from May 1. Except for (width>=600mm) and GP co
Petersburg-This Sunday, the Second Presbyterian Church celebrated 170 years of ministry in Petersburg. The service at 11:00 am will be presided over by Minister Dr. Carroll Londoner and Pastor Archibald Wallace.
The organ/choir conductor John Michael Jones, soprano soprano Laraine Smith and
This report entitled "Global Seamless Steel Pipe Market" is one of the most comprehensive and important additions to QY Research's market research archives. It provides detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the global seamless steel pipe market. The market analyst who wrote this report
The ductile iron pipe market report brings together first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessments by industry analysts, industry experts and input from industry participants in the entire value chain. The report provides an in-depth analysis of trends in the mother market, macr
Park City, Utah-When the city's water mains rupture and flood homes and businesses with water, someone must take care of the mess. But who is responsible for compensating the damage: the city or the residents?
Park City resident Mark Stemler believes that the city government should be respo
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On June 2, the Court of Appeals of the Fourth District ruled in Dodge v. People's Trust Insurance, 46 Fl. L